

Keeping Our Eyes on the Ball; as yet another Political Scandal Rocks Congress 

The latest revelations of Representative Foley’s sexual desires for young boys is really nothing new in a country that seems constantly in search of new ways to shock and disgust itself. If history has taught us anything, its that the mindless accumulation of power has the same sorry outcome in every case, no exceptions: sooner or later, those who become powerful begin to feel that they are no longer bound by the same ethics, morals, and laws, which most of us follow as a matter of conscience. Lord Acton said it best: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

First of all, the whole gay/pedophile misnomer will obviously get some unnecessary reinforcement from the fallout, and it is very likely that Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert will more than likely have to step down, but amidst all the good news for Democrats concerning the rabid, power-mad, GOP's in Congress, we must remember that far worse has already gone on and it's barely made a ripple among the staunch loyalists on the right, who will sell their own grandmothers to the devil in order to keep believing in the "righteousness" of their cause. No matter what happens, no matter how many scandals rock the right, they still have a position, they still have a message, and they can still make the politicians on the left look like a bunch of divided, indecisive losers, who are so afraid of their own shadows that they can’t even come up with anything resembling viable alternatives to counter them.

What it comes down to is whether or not your loyalties are to We The People of The United States, or to a political party based upon unrestrained corporate greed, lust for power, and, above all, money. The latter brings out the worst in people, just as Rep. Foley has clearly demonstrated. These people have gotten so used to having so much power for so long, that they have come to think of themselves as "untouchables." It is up to all of us as citizens of this nation, to set this right, and I harbor serious doubts as to whether or not we're up to the challenge. Most Americans will accept the simplest, easiest-to-swallow, explanation that allow them to continue to function as they always have, and to keep believing what they want to believe, for as long as they can, because the alternative, to change their points-of-view and take a stand against tyranny, is too much for many of them to bear (what I wouldn’t give to be wrong in my beliefs).

Yet I find myself thinking that this is just another in a long line of "distractions" that comes at such an opportune moment, it makes me question whether or not there is an ulterior motive involved (I have long since come to conclude that there is no such thing as coincidence in politics). This scandal may well be intended to give those of us who despise the Bushites, and everything they stand for, a sense of false hope; or at least keep us from having a far deeper debate on the really important issues affecting this nation: the economy, jobs with lower pay and no benefits, the disastrous war in Iraq, the totally phony “War on Terror," and the continued willingness of so many, both in and out of our government, to sanction the absolute criminal behavior emanating from the White House itself. Dare I say that Karl Rove probably loves this sort of spectacle for the very reason that it will keep the focus away from the disastrous failures of our "Puppet-in-Chief," and those around him?

These guys are every bit as slick as they are smooth, if we're not careful, they'll find a way to "spin" this to their advantage. We must not allow ourselves to lose sight of this fact. We must be wary, we must be vigilant, or they could very easily steal yet another election out from under us. Anyone who attains the level of power these folks have will never give it up willingly, they must be forced to do so, or everything our beloved republic stands for will continue to be for sale to only those who can afford the price of admission, and most of us aren’t in that club, and we never will be.

Now is the time for us to put aside our anger, our thoughts of revenge, our various single-issues, and stand united against a common foe, a foe that has proven itself quite capable of changing the facts to fit their agenda, shuffling the issues to drive us apart, using fear to build support, and above all, ruthlessly suppressing any notions that there are alternatives to their points of view. Now is the time for us to act, before it is too late to save our nation from the ever rising tide of right-wing fascism that threatens to engulf it.


©J.S.Brown 2004-2006



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