

Blowing in the Wind: The Bush Government Lets Us down about 9/11 Dust 

We all remember the images of Wall Street opening a week after 9/11, of the search and recovery efforts at Ground Zero, of men and women returning to workplaces coated with fine grey dust, and schoolchildren going back to public schools in Lower Manhattan. Now this corporate/government "rush to return to normalcy" plan has brought upon us yet another burden for us to bear, proving once again that our government, and multinational corporations, care more about their profit margins than they do about human beings.

It turns out that the first responders, search and recovery, investigators, students and workers at nearby buildings, cleanup crews, and students at lower Manhattan schools, near Ground Zero weren't given adequate warnings, or protection against the hazards of the dust, and now thousands of them are coming down with lung ailments, heart ailments, organ failures, even cancer and they are being run through the "Bureacuractic Denial Factory" by both the Feds, and New York State governments as they try to get them to pay for their mounting medical problems:

A study to be published in the February edition of Environmental Science and Technology shows the dust released by the collapse of the World Trade Center may not prove as dangerous as previously thought.

The study, funded by the American Chemical Society, found that 99 percent of the dust particles in the cloud were greater than 10 microns in width – large enough to get stuck in the upper respiratory tract and thus be quickly expelled.

"In the early part of the event, people were exposed to a very complex mixture of dust and smoke," said Dr. Paul Lioy, associate director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, run by Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Lioy is one of the principal authors of the study.


“An estimated 40,000 rescue and recovery workers were exposed to caustic dust and airborne toxic pollutants following 9/11,” says Philip Landrigan, of the department of community and preventative medicine at Mount Sinai.

The study is the largest conducted so far, involving 9500 workers at ground zero. It found that almost 70% of these had a new or substantially worsened respiratory problem as a result of breathing in dust from the collapsed buildings. One-third had diminished lung capacity.


Nearly seven out of 10 Ground Zero workers have suffered lung problems during or after their work at the site, according to a study of health effects related to the 11 September 2001 attacks.


Just days after September 11, 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency assured the public that there should be no concern about any health hazards associated with exposure to smoke and debris in lower Manhattan. This disturbing documentary asks whether the EPA’s pronouncement was based on science or politics. Now many of the first-responders who risked their lives within that toxic chemical soup are seriously ill or dying. Filmmaker Heidi Dehncke-Fisher and producer Bruce Kennedy reveal how 9/11’s latest victims are America’s forgotten heroes.


Alex Sanchez likes to say he's "living proof" the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's response to the September 11 terrorist attacks bordered on the criminal. Sanchez was exposed to dust from the World Trade Center disaster as a cleanup worker in skyscrapers around ground zero. He spent seven months enveloped in the lethal material, wiping it from cubicles, blowing it out of vents. It stung his throat, burned his eyes, and choked his lungs.


One of the people who assured New Yorkers that the air was likely safe after the 9/11 tragedy now has second thoughts, one day after a study was released that shows a majority of those who worked at ground zero now have some kind of lung problems.

Christie Whitman, who was an administrator with the Environmental Protection Agency in 2001, said one week after the attacks that, "Given the scope of the tragedy from last week, I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington, D.C., that their air is safe to breath and their water is safe to drink," she added.

The study, from the Mount Sinai Medical Center, says nearly 70 percent of the rescue and cleanup workers who toiled in the dust and fumes at ground zero have had trouble breathing, and many will probably be sick for the rest of their lives, doctors said Tuesday in releasing results of the biggest Sept. 11, 2001, health study yet.


According to a new report on the health effects of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, 70% of the rescue personnel and workers who responded to the disaster suffered from lung problems during and after the recovery efforts. For some those problems persisted for at least two-and-a-half years after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and experts are not surprised.

Five years after the 9/11 attacks many survivors have reported new or worsened sinus or nasal problems along with high levels of psychological distress.


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