Presidentially Yours – A Rant: The American Middle Class gets taken for a ride…Again
I admit it; I’ve made mistakes in my life. Not only have I made multiple blunders, but I’ve actually tried very hard to learn from them and not make the same mistakes twice. Even Bill Clinton admits to fucking up, and perhaps this is the only redeeming quality of his presidential legacy, such that it is. In contrast to this, Bush and his pals seem convinced that they don’t make any mistakes. It makes me wonder how they could learn anything useful about fixing the myriad of problems this country faces when they can’t even admit to the fact that they are the primary cause for leading this country to its ultimate ruination.
My father is of the opinion that the only “legacy” of the Bush Administration will be cutting taxes for the wealthy and getting people killed. Perhaps if only they could kill the wealthy, we might have an outside chance of balancing the budget with the still in-place estate tax.
Honestly, no president has truly addressed the horrid welfare problem we have in this country. The government, in our name, has given more of our tax dollars to corporations who don’t need it; and foreign powers just so they’ll pretend to be our friends (most of who have laughed all the way to the bank and stabbed us in the back when we weren’t looking). If even half this money was turned back over to WE THE PEOPLE, maybe the
Bush and most of his closest cronies have truly never known want; they’ve always been members of the “haves.” They probably see the “have-nots” as a flock of weak sheep that need a shepherd, and they know just the men for the job. As Hunter S. Thompson probably would have said: “This is politics Bubba, and politicians don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.” The Bushites have demonstrated that incompetence in government is a great way to keep the people occupied whilst they rape and pillage the euphemistic “American Dream,” and nobody really wants to know the full nature of the greed, corruption, and power mongering, that goes on behind the scenes. We all pretend that it doesn’t matter, and that somehow we’ll manage to get our own little “sliver” of that “American pie.”
Most of us go through our daily grinds oblivious to what’s really going on. We watch “the show” in the peripheral of the daily news, which meticulously sifts and filters what we get to see most carefully, so we never get a “true picture” of the filth we wallow in like pigs in shit. Perhaps they do it because they are in league with the politicians, perhaps they do it because calculated misery on local and national news gains more attention than an obscene animal sex show at a Tijuana titty bar (more than likely its a little of both and then some). Whatever the reasons, the spectacle is like driving by a bad car accident and feeling that irresistible urge to gawk at the carnage.
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