Had Enough Yet?
Here's some of the highlights of six years with Bush/GOP led Federal Government:
So, have you had enough yet?
©J.S.Brown 2004-2006
- A corrupt GOP-led government that favor$ corporate interest$ rather than the well being of the American people
- A nebulous “War on Terror” with no objectives, no enemies, and no end in sight
- Our continued occupation of Iraq has turned into a quagmire of epic proportions
- Our reputation as world leader has been severely tarnished
- An unprecedented Presidential power grab that severely undermines the U.S. Constitution, disrupts the system of “checks and balances,” and diminishes civil liberties for all Americans
- A sluggish economy based upon massive government spending, tax breaks for the wealthy, all being kept (barely) afloat by huge infusions of borrowed money
- A bloated government bureaucracy built around rampant cronyism and corruption
- Sky-high gas prices that continue to eat up lower and middle-class incomes, while oil companies report record profits
- NCLB - An underfunded, over-hyped, government mandated, education program specifically designed to undermine public schools, not fix them
- No major improvements in overall national security since 9/11 attacks
- Porous borders that permit safe passage of not only illegal immigrants, but potential terrorists as well
- The federal government’s lack of cohesive disaster preparedness, coordination, and planning, failed to prevent many needless death and destruction in the wake of Hurricane Katrina
- The use of various “wedge issues” to keep the American people divided against one another, and thus distracted from larger issues
- A national news media that is more interested in “infotainment” than in truly informing the public
So, have you had enough yet?
©J.S.Brown 2004-2006