

I've Got Your Back John Kerry! 

Posted to http://blog.johnkerry.com/ John Kerry's Blog

I am a 6 year veteran of the U.S. Navy who served proudly from 1988 to 1994, including service in Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Nothing made me feel prouder to support John Kerry than his introduction by Max and his inclusion of the men who served with him in Vietnam.

My family was very much like John Kerry's family in that someone in every generation has answered the call of duty to country. Counting both sides of my family, I can find an ancestor who served going all the way back to the French and Indian War.

I fear for my country right now more than ever. We are living in difficult times. I do not believe our country can withstand another four years of corporate dominance and whimsical warfare. Gunboat diplomacy is not the way to build world unity, it is the way to build global division, and it plays right into the hands of our enemies. We cannot afford to alienate our allies and further antagonize our enemies.

We have lost touch with the spirit that helped forge our nation. We no longer remember the sweat, the back breaking work, and the sacrifice our forefathers endured so that we could live free. We must return to the value of hard work, ingenuity, and achievement that made us the greatest economic force this world has ever known. We cannot do this if we keep allowing corporations to move to places where the labor and taxes are cheaper.

We can win this one, but we have to stand together to do it. We must put down the issues that divide us and concentrate instead on the issues that unite us. As far as I'm concerned, I've got your back John Kerry! Let's go get 'em!


© 2004, J.S.Brown



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